Holding the PV panels and ensuring that they are in place is a huge trouble. Thankfully, Photovoltaic mounting systems take care of this. Available in wide variations, they enable customized retrofitting of solar cell panels on the roofs or within the building structure. Mounting solutions help in panels to be put on any form of roof, asphalt or ceramic, without any constraints. While installing a mounting system, it is to make sure that the surface of the PV panel is perpendicular to the sun rays, which constantly vary, throughout the day and month for the solar cells to be exposed to the maximum amount of sunlight and give their best. While installing a mounting system, also known as module racks, a number of factors have to be kept in mind, like inclination and weather conditions to gain the best possible output. There exist numerous variations of racking systems offered globally, the common ones being:

Roof Mounted- It is a good option to consider if your house or organization has a lot of empty roof space. Here, PV panels are mounted on the roof parallel to each other through additional attachments. The roof structure needs to be additionally strengthened to hold the sheer weight of solar panels risk-free. Ground Mounted- When there is an excess of ground available that remains unused, Ground mounted systems is the way to go. People with not enough roof spaces can opt for Ground Mounted Systems as an alternative. They offer more flexibility and portability when it comes to installation and maintenance. A new growing technology is the ‘Solar Trackers’ which trail the sun to enhance the amount of light captured and thereby increase the power production, as high as 40%. They get rid of the disadvantages associated with fixed-tilt mounts.